
Let me fill you guys in with a little detail...
Unlike most B2Bs,..who are planning their wedding for their soon to come wedding day (which they already know roughly when it’ll be)..I am actually planning for..the wedding of course..I am doing all the planning minus the actual booking, buying & stuff..

Why, different? Well, simply because I am not in the race yet. I am planning this way (notice the use italic there?) in advance because..well..I just don’t want to find myself in such a state where everything needs to be rushed. Trying to minimize any last minute hiccups that might happen..I hope not..but better be prepared, right?

Plus, have any of you noticed the amount of wedding blogs/infos/vendors there are nowadays? If there were only ten..I would not be sitting here in front of my laptop at 01:39 in the morning. There are so many blogs, and I have seen & read quite a lot..some helpful, some not so..some have really interesting & detailed info [ =) ].

At least by tackling the blogs & identifying which vendors I like now..I won’t have to do much research later on..just contact them & get on with the process.

So anyway, like it or not..I'll be posting current thoughts & ideas on the wedding..not things that are finalized & on-going processes for wedding itself.

Like any B2B..I just want my wedding to be a stress-free one. I’d like to be enjoying the couple of days/weeks prior to the wedding & not have to stumble/run here & there like a headless chicken..ESPECIALLY when I think it’ll be a fully hands-on & DIY wedding.

Okay, guess that’s all for now.
I’ll be posting a list of things regarding the wedding which I think should be handled later on. I’ll be listing it all down & discuss on the matter one by one.

Until the next post..toodles.
♥, jM

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