
Just thought I’d do a post especially to promote my brother-in-law’s songs & stuff.

He is Amer Munawer Yusoff. He was one of the founding members of Ruffedge & has now released 2 singles. Islamic lyrics with r&b-nasyid vibe. The singles are Seluruh Mahabbah & Maha Suci Allah (vid below).

Seluruh Mahabbah

Maha Suci Allah

If you love the songs, you can get a copy of his cd here. You can also have them set as your caller ringtones. Here are the details :

Amer Munawer Yusoff's Caller ringtones (with standard charges)
Seluruh Mahabbah :
Maxis (DIAL) *131*100189154# CALL - (FEE: RM3/month. RM 2 to renew)
Digi (SMS) CT 0099145 to 2000 - (FEE: RM3/1st month; RM2/subsequent months)
Celcom (SMS) CMT 95292 to 22990 - (FEE: RM1)
Umobile (SMS) CT 242832 to 28118 - (FEE: RM3)

Maha Suci Allah :
Maxis (DIAL) *131*100189155# CALL - (FEE: RM3/month. RM 2 to renew)
Digi (SMS) CT 0099146 to 2000 - (FEE: RM3/1st month; RM2/subsequent months)
Celcom (SMS) CMT 95293 to 22990 - (FEE: RM1)

Other than singing, he has other projects under his belt which are Al Mawlid which organizes mawlid & Islamic-related gatherings & also Click-A-Child which is a charity programme. Owh, & Mermotto Shop where they sell Al Mawlid, Click-A-Child & Amer's singles. Jump to their websites for more info.  =)

Okay, that's about it.
, jM

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