Dates & time for nikah & walimah.

The date & time are yet to be determined. What has been discusses last time by both our parents was that it might be in March, 2011. So, based on that, I have about 6 months..but since we might/might not push it back & I don’t want to freak out & realize I don’t have enough time to plan & all, I am putting my ideas in this blog & hopefully, have the job easier to manage.

So, anyway...nikah & walimah will either be on the same day, same place/same day, different place (this is a bit troublesome as we might need to think of transporting the guests)/different days & place.

It will either be nikah (either morning/evening) & a short walimah right after (same/different place). Invite everyone, they can choose to be present for the nikah/not.
Nikah will be done the night before & walimah the next day. I might invite people for walimah only & nikah will be attended by immediate families only.

Should be determined as soon as the venue is confirmed or at least 4 months prior (info for invites).

Anyway...here are the dates that I'm considering (based on the fact that his birthday-04/02/1985 & mine-01/12/1985 is 300 days apart & my birthday & his 1st birthday is 65 days apart) :

02/01/2011 (32/65 days)
03/01/2011 (33/65 days)
04/07/2011 (half/300 days)

Other dates (just because they're pretty) :

01/01/201111/01/201112/01/2011 ▪ 20/01/2011
03/03/2011 ▪ 11/03/2011
05/05/2011 ▪ 11/05/2011
07/07/2011 ▪ 11/07/2011
08/08/2011 ▪ 11/08/2011
09/09/2011 ▪ 11/09/2011
09/10/2011 ▪ 10/10/201111/10/2011 ▪ 20/10/2011
10/11/2011 ▪ 11/11/2011 ▪ 20/11/2011
11/12/2011 ▪ 12/12/201120/12/2011

*will need to check what day they are..*
Okay, that's all..ttfn.
♥, jM


juli ah said...

20.11.2011 is nice, IF you're willing to wait THAT long. hee.

jM.♥ said...

it's a sunday..sadal wants saturday. but yea..it is too long..maybe 11/06/11..a month before our engagement date. we think march is too soon..it might be pushed back..i think mid of the year is ok..if everything goes well..maybe we'll do it in march..11/03/11 nikah maybe..then walimah next day/the night itself.

jM.♥ said...

yea..but it's easier for people to come on a saturday. tengok la macam mane nanti.