
I'm an auntie now! yeaay!
my very own nephew.  =))
I've been waiting for him & at last, today..24th december 2010..finally, he came out.
now i can see his little feet that i used to feel kicking on my sister's tummy.


Live Fashion/Love Music.



what a day. just one thing missing. i wish i had my beloved fiancé with me.
i did bring back a few ‘souvenirs’.  =)

*can’t wait to wear my chiffon scarf snood & satin wrap band snood. owh and..i’ll for sure be buying other stuff from maysaa.com. At least now i know her clothes fit me after trying it at the Live Fashion/Love Music event.

*met such wonderful people (maria elena.adriani.shea.ami.jezmine.anna.aimie.myo.alina.hana.irda.dayah.syafiqah.syazwani.myra.sherina.fadhli yunus)

*thank you so much Sadal Melik!


Kuala Lumpur Berselawat.

Alhamdulillah. The event was a success.
May there be more to come. InsyaAllah.

*Mabrook to Al Mawlid, TV AlHijrah & team.



Welcome to the New Year.

All praises to Allah, selawat & salam to Nabi Muhammad s.a.w, his family & companions. Save our souls from the temptation of satan, save our spirits from anger that leads us astray, guide us to Your path.

May Allah s.w.t accept all out good deeds & forgive our wrong doings. May Allah guide us, strengthen our Iman, increase our taqwa & servitude towards Him, be among the righteous ones & worthy of seeing Him in the Hereafter.

Salam Maal Hijrah 1432.

*Mama & papa, family , Sadal..I you guys so much!

, jM