3f's contest: maysaa scarf to grab & my love of cats.

I'm attempting to win a maysaa's satin wrap band snood which is going to be given away by 3f's flashback for future.
The entry I have chosen, which I like the most is : binatang.

Reason : 
I'm an animal lover..of course I'd choose this entry.  =)

I can go for hours talking about animals, especially cats! I adore them..big and small. For as long as I can remember, I have always had cats. Always. When I was a baby, I had this stuffed kitty, white in colour..I always had it with me..if it fell, I'd cry (I even have a photo of me crying over it, but I don't think I'll post it here..I'm not sure where the photo is & I'm too lazy to go look for it & scan..hehe).

Anyway, at the moment, I have 14 cats, 7 of them kittens.
At one point, I had 17..but all of the kittens died of virus infection (along with many of the neighbours' cats).
I have so many memories with my cats. Thank goodness for the invention of the camera..I have managed to keep photos & videos of my loved ones & always remember them by, even after they're gone.
In May 2009, I had taken 3 kitties from my fiancé. I named them tukii², pikuu & buubu. I loved them so much, but in November that year, I had to leave them behind with my fiancé's family, & I left for Italy. After I got back, I had this issue with my mom not wanting to have cats in the condo anymore because it's against the nature of cats & yadda². So, his family took them back & took care of them along with the existing cats that were there (star, princess, cotton & others). I visited, bought food & sent them to the vet when needed from then on. Then, things happened.

2010 has not been such a great year for me truthfully. I have lost many cats this year..starting with my beloved buubu in January. He was great..even if I had to be a slave to him (he caused me many backaches for cleaning his mess, he had a bladder problem I think)..anyway, I will always remember him more for his company. Then, tukii² gave birth to 7 kitties in March. Only 1 (cinnamon) of the 7 survived & lived on to be 6 months until one day, she was gone (I think someone took her because she has marble patterns on her). Then in May, tukii² gave birth again to 6, but lost 1 inside her womb (cotton gave birth to 4 too but 1 died as she accidently squished it). 5 lived for about 4 months but 1 by 1 they started to go. Only 1 is still alive & being taken cared of by my fiancé's brother. And recently, in October, yet again, tukii² gave birth to 6 kitties (princess gave birth to 2 before this but 1 died). Owh, & I have a kitty at home which I saved in September. He is bebé..he was covered in grease & stuck under a parked car's tyre. I had initially heard him cry & looked for him & got my hands coloured black when I held him & then decided to go to a petrol station to clean him up & when I got him cleaned up, I felt bad about leaving him behind to fend for himself..so I brought him home & bla² with my mom & got to keep him until now. And now, he is also loved by my mom (who can resist these little creatures huh?)

I love cats. I love the respond I get from them. I love their company. Simply put, I love everything about them.

Well, Azzah..you've got me inspired to blog about my love of cats just by having this contest & pick 1 of your posts to let you know why I love it.  =)
I hope you don't mind reading it all. I have more than this to talk about but that would maybe end up as a book rather than a blog post. hehe. =p

Anyway, fest your eyes on these pictures of my prescious little kitties.

mama with tukii², buubu & pikuu
radin, dot, kokό (alive), jebat, schipp, teja, toffii & barley. In red are cotton's.

Owh, here are 2 blogs that I love, feast on them too.  =)
* cute boys with catsthe catorialist

1 more thing, if you'd like to take part in this contest, click here (ends on 20th November 2010).

Going to take a cat nap. meow.
, jM



Salam AidilAdha!

May all the sacrifices (no matter how small) be accepted, blessed & brings us closer to Him. Amin.
Have a great day!
, jM



Just thought I’d do a post especially to promote my brother-in-law’s songs & stuff.

He is Amer Munawer Yusoff. He was one of the founding members of Ruffedge & has now released 2 singles. Islamic lyrics with r&b-nasyid vibe. The singles are Seluruh Mahabbah & Maha Suci Allah (vid below).

Seluruh Mahabbah

Maha Suci Allah

If you love the songs, you can get a copy of his cd here. You can also have them set as your caller ringtones. Here are the details :

Amer Munawer Yusoff's Caller ringtones (with standard charges)
Seluruh Mahabbah :
Maxis (DIAL) *131*100189154# CALL - (FEE: RM3/month. RM 2 to renew)
Digi (SMS) CT 0099145 to 2000 - (FEE: RM3/1st month; RM2/subsequent months)
Celcom (SMS) CMT 95292 to 22990 - (FEE: RM1)
Umobile (SMS) CT 242832 to 28118 - (FEE: RM3)

Maha Suci Allah :
Maxis (DIAL) *131*100189155# CALL - (FEE: RM3/month. RM 2 to renew)
Digi (SMS) CT 0099146 to 2000 - (FEE: RM3/1st month; RM2/subsequent months)
Celcom (SMS) CMT 95293 to 22990 - (FEE: RM1)

Other than singing, he has other projects under his belt which are Al Mawlid which organizes mawlid & Islamic-related gatherings & also Click-A-Child which is a charity programme. Owh, & Mermotto Shop where they sell Al Mawlid, Click-A-Child & Amer's singles. Jump to their websites for more info.  =)

Okay, that's about it.
, jM



Wow..it's been so looonngg since my last post.
Reason for not updating...well, I haven't sorted out the many pictures I have.
I don't want to post something incomplete. It's all in here..I swear..it's just not ready to be published..hehe..sorry.

Anyway...here's what I have been up to..in terms of food.
Well, at least those that i have actually taken photos of. I always forget..and by the time I remember..the food's gone..or nearly gone & not worthy of a picture.

So far, I have made minestrone, baked potatoes & herbed beef patties in tomato sauce, cannelloni ripieni di spinaci & ricotta, cookies & cream ice cream pie, cous cous with tomatoes, capsicum &lemon chilli chicken & cous cous with baked lemon sole & veg.
That's all. I'm not going to mention those without pictures (lasagne, nasi lemak...etc...hahaha).


, jM