Happy 53rd Independence Day, Malaysia!!!
I am so proud to be Malaysian!
I love the variety of food available here..
I love the history & historical places!
I love that we are a multicultural & we live in harmony.
I love everything that you have to offer Malaysia!
I hope everyone had a wonderful day!
*What did you guys have for iftar? I had nasi lemak & some curry mee with
soya bean & cincau drinks, kuih lapis & seri muka! yummy.
*Eid is just around the corner! I'm so excited!
Merdeka, merdeka, merdeka!!!
♥, jM
Making a list, checking it twice.
- Dates & time for nikah & walimah.
- Venue.
- Theme.
- Decor & memoirs.
- Catering & canopy.
- Legal procedures & documents.
- Tok kadi, pejabat agama, saksi & maskahwin.
- Wedding attires.
- Accessories.
- Make up & henna.
- Hand bouquets & corsages.
- Photographer & videographer.
- Guest list & invitation cards.
- Wedding cake & favours.
- Hantaran & arrangements.
- Entertainment & sound system.
- Master of ceremony & usherers.
- Maid of honour, bridesmaids, flower girls & tray bearers.
- Spa, manicure & pedicure.
- Honeymoon.
So, here's the list I promised in my previous post. I will further discuss them later one by one on their own post.
Let me fill you guys in with a little detail...
Unlike most B2Bs,..who are planning their wedding for their soon to come wedding day (which they already know roughly when it’ll be)..I am actually planning for..the wedding of course..I am doing all the planning minus the actual booking, buying & stuff..
Why, different? Well, simply because I am not in the race yet. I am planning this way (notice the use italic there?) in advance because..well..I just don’t want to find myself in such a state where everything needs to be rushed. Trying to minimize any last minute hiccups that might happen..I hope not..but better be prepared, right?
Plus, have any of you noticed the amount of wedding blogs/infos/vendors there are nowadays? If there were only ten..I would not be sitting here in front of my laptop at 01:39 in the morning. There are so many blogs, and I have seen & read quite a lot..some helpful, some not so..some have really interesting & detailed info [ =) ].
At least by tackling the blogs & identifying which vendors I like now..I won’t have to do much research later on..just contact them & get on with the process.
So anyway, like it or not..I'll be posting current thoughts & ideas on the wedding..not things that are finalized & on-going processes for wedding itself.
Like any B2B..I just want my wedding to be a stress-free one. I’d like to be enjoying the couple of days/weeks prior to the wedding & not have to stumble/run here & there like a headless chicken..ESPECIALLY when I think it’ll be a fully hands-on & DIY wedding.
Okay, guess that’s all for now.
I’ll be posting a list of things regarding the wedding which I think should be handled later on. I’ll be listing it all down & discuss on the matter one by one.
Until the next post..toodles.
♥, jM
Planning the sweetest ceremony.
Today is the start of my life as a wedding planner-bride. I’m hoping that I can pull it off. Well, at least if I conquer it earlier, I will know later if I actually need the help of a wedding planner..but I hope not.
What’s most important to us is of course, creating a ceremony that reflects our relationship, personalities & includes as many personal touches as possible.
So, as soon as my engagement ring was places on my finger, I immediately began to mentally catalogue my top priorities (one can never underestimate the importance of knowing your priorities in an upfront and clearly defined way) with regards to designing our day, which I hope will be a memorable one.
Here are the most important aspect of the wedding which need to be further discussed :
Um...anything else? Guess that's all for now..will continue at another time.
Um...anything else? Guess that's all for now..will continue at another time.
♥, jM
Penguin classics...♥
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Clothbound Classics @ Penguin Books |
Clothbound Classics...pretty aren't they?
They're designed by senior cover designer, Coralie Bickford-Smith.
1. Spines, 2. Madame Bovary by Gustave Falubert, 3. Great Expectations by Charles Dickens, 4. Wuthering Heights by Emily Brontë, 5. Sense and Sensibility by Jane Austen, 6. Cranford by Elizabeth Gaskell, 7. Tess of the D'Urbervilles by Thomas Hardy, 8. Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen, 9. Crime and Punishment by Fyodor Dostoyevsky, 10. The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde, 11. Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontë, 12. Book spines of the second set of cloth-bound classics, 13. The Hound of the Baskervilles by Arthur Conan Doyle, 14. Oliver Twist by Charles Dickens, 15. Emma by Jane Austen, 16. The Odyssey by Homer, 17. The Woman in White by Wilkie Collins, 18. Treasure Island by Robert Louis Stevenson, 19. The Sonnets and A Lover's Complaint by William Shakespeare, 20. Lady Chatterley's Lover by D.H. Lawrence, 21. Little Women by Louisa May Alcott, 22. Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass by Lewis Carroll, 23. A Christmas Carol and other Christmas writings by Charles Dickens and Dante's Inferno, 24. Dante's Inferno, 25. A Christmas Carol and other Christmas writings by Charles Dickens
♥, jM
I am super excited!
I’ve always been keen on weddings. I love everything about it. I’ve had so many magazines in the past..& now..I don’t (not to say I’m over them, but 2010 is magazine free year..I haven’t bought a single magazine for the past 7 months..I have scanned what I like & kept them on my computer & recycled the many magazines I had kept all this while..’going green & saving green’ now..).
So anyways, I’m always on the web looking for ideas for my wedding. Well, originally, I planned to just have the akad nikah at the mosque & walimah..but my ‘fiancé’s’ mom wants a proper ceremony, since it is her first child tying the knot here.
So..I have always liked the weddings of the West. I don’t particularly like those that we usually have here in Malaysia. The usual house/hall/hotel ones. I want a wedding where my guests can freely mingle around..with no formalities. Simply put, I want a fun, on the grass wedding! I have got a few ideas already but am still working on them. I’ll post some pictures of the things i want later..
The planning begins now! I just have to sort out all the pictures & ideas I have..& think about what will suit & be easy to do.
Well, I’ll get back to this. Bubbye!
♥, jM
10 things about me...
Okay, I couldn’t resist to post another 1,..so...I saw this over at You Are My Fave & thought I’d give it a try.
I answered 10 questions about myself & then chose a corresponding photo from Flickr to go along with the answer.
1. What is your first name? Juliza (no..that’s not my grave, i’m pretty much alive).
2. What is your favorite food? Pizza & Nasi Lemak daun pisang (Italian & Malaysian, like me).
3. What high school did you attend? Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Sultan Salahuddin Abdul Aziz Shah (coudn’t find a photo from flickr).
4. What is your favorite color? Rainbow colours!
5. Who is your celebrity crush? Johnny Depp. Hehe..
6. Favorite drink? Water..chilled (i love the feeling when it’s running down my throat). =)
7. Dream vacation? Anywhere in Europe, I have a thing for their architecture & oh so gorgeous countrysides & castles.
8. Favorite dessert? Gelato & Chocolate salami (discovered it back in Milan last year)!
9. What do you want to be when you grow up? Happy.
10. What do you love most in life? God’s artwork, it’s amazing.
Wanna play?: Type your answer to each of the above questions into Flickr's search. Choose your favourite, copy & paste each of the URL’s into the Mosaic Maker. It's fun.
Okay, that’s all.
♥, jM
1. Juliza Carlton, 2. Pizza night!, 3. Nasi lemak daun pisang, 4. Not available, 5. bright rainbow colours, 6. Johnny Depp, 7. Glass of Water, 8. Pieces of Europe, 9. gelato @ south bank, 10. Salame al cioccolato, 11. 51/365 (Year 2)--Happy Birthday, Little m!!!!, 12. workmanship title
I’m engaged! (for nearly a month).
11.07.10 - this date will forever be one of the dates I will remember the most.
Okay, here’s the thing..I knew about this but not all of it. I was asked to arrange a meeting between my family & his family. So, we decided to do it on Sunday, 11th July 2010. I was thinking our parents would just be talking about wedding things. It was set that they would be coming to my house at around 11am & we would have lunch together.
Then the day finally arrived. I was in the kitchen preparing tea when they arrived. Little did I know, they had a few things made for me (my sis was right, she did ask me if they were going to bring anything..a ring maybe)..which I ignored & said that I would have known about it,..& I said, we’re just going to discuss a few things. Oh boy, was I surprised..his brother & sisters (Iqram, Liyana, Aqilah & Lea) came with a basket of mixed fruits & 1 of red apples, muffins (his aunt made them), sireh, & the engagement ring. So, it turned out they had planned to do the ‘merisik’ & ‘tunang’. Along with them were his parents & 2 of his uncles (ayah ngah & ayah yai).
Shhhsh..don’t tell anyone, but I was quite ecstatic about this..I was teased the whole time by his siblings (he is the oldest of 10, thank god there were only 4 of them & Lea’s only 6..so she just gave me little smiles when I looked at her)..I swear I was blushing the whole time. Hehe.
And so..his mom placed the ring (a simple gold ‘belah rotan’ one with 4 white gold carved parts on it) on my ring finger & I was finally engaged. Wow. After nearly 7 years of being together..I was more than happy & his sisters & I quickly went to my room & took a few pictures. =p
Anyway, after our parents discussed..they ate the tid bits & appetizers that we prepared..owh, did I mention it was all Italian? I probably didn’t..well, it was. My mom & I made lasagna & spaghetti with bolognaise & pesto..& for dessert, I made panna cotta & we had watermelon (my sis brought it) too. We decided on Italian simply because my dad loves Italian food & since he doesn’t get to eat it often, I decided to go with it..plus, I have my mom who’s a great cook & Italian herself. =)
So, while they were eating, I called..can you believe it?..my ‘fiancé’ & invited him over for lunch. When he arrived, there was another sweet surprise..we were colour coordinated! I was wearing a turquoise abaya & he wore a turquoise kurta. I was sooo happy to see him!
At about 3pm, they left..& I found myself looking at my ring..like every 5minutes or so. I was still getting used to it..I’m not really used to wearing any rings. I also took loads of pictures of myself with the ring. Can you imagine how excited I was? Hehe..
Well, that’s all. I now have a ‘fiancé’ rather than a boyfriend. How cool is that? I get to say fiancé all the time now! =p
* I'll try to post some pictures..as soon as i figure out how to..hehe. Owh wow..i did it.
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his parents & me. |
♥, jM
1st timer.
Hello all!
This is my first time blogging & I never thought I would.
Well..i just wanted to have it documented I guess.
So..this will be a blog about life..starting with my engagement! =))
j-after-m actually means juliza after melik..which is my 1st name & his 2nd name combined (juliza aminah & sadal melik)..& since I’m starting the blog after I got engaged, I thought it would have a better meaning since it’s about life after him/he proposed.
I hope you’ll enjoy what I have to say.
♥, jM
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